Well back to the on again/off again blog. I really need to keep up with this thing. Hopefully this will be the start of great things to come.
Let's start this off with me telling you about what has to be one of my most memorable days hunting or fishing. Where to start? Let's go back a couple years when I heard there were some left over turkey licenses for my area. While I have been hunting and fishing my entire life I had, for some unknown reason, never hunted turkeys. I thought to myself, "What better time to give it a try?" So I purchased my permit, a hen decoy, and a
H.S. Strut Raspy Old Hen Call Combo Kit I found in the bargain cave at Cablea's. Now I was ready to do some turkey hunting. The first time out I was able to call a Tom within 50 yards but couldn't get him to close the distance for me to get a shot. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but by being able to call that gobbler in that close I was hooked.
Then came last season and I was able to call in a bunch of Jakes. While not ideal I was determined to get a turkey and took one of the Jakes. Even though it was a bunch of Jakes that I called it, I still felt a level of accomplishment. With my turkey virginity popped and meat in the freezer I was already looking forward to next spring.
You can say that I am not completely hooked on turkey hunting and opening day couldn't come soon enough. I was lucky enough to draw the week of April 18th, the first week of Spring Turkey Season here in Michigan. I couldn't do enough scouting due to my daughters wedding the prior week, but Saturday and Sunday I put in several hours scouting and trying out the new crow call I purchased. To my amazement the crow call worked like a charm. I was able to locate several different Toms and have four prime locations ready for opening day. But which one to hunt? I figured one would be better in the evening and another I wanted for the early afternoon to try so that left option A or B. While not the optimal area, but the same spot I shot the Jake last year, I chose option A. Something just told me that was the spot to hunt in the morning. Five AM couldn't get hear fast enough.

The alarm goes off at five AM and I start questioning myself, "Do I really need to get up at 5AM? Should I really have had that last beer?" OH well I need to get to my spot and boy am I glad I did. I had no idea what lay in store for me. I arrived at my chosen spot just before sunrise and the darkness started to fade. Not long after I got settled in the woods came alive with Toms gobbling from their roosts. I was almost surrounded by Toms in their roosts. I could make out at least six different birds all within earshot. I waited a little while before I started calling, but as soon as I did they were all answering back. I answered back a few times then gave them a rest to not scare them off. As I am waiting them out, I caught a glimpse of an owl as he turned and landed above my decoys. I sat and watched him for a few minutes as he let out a beautiful owl call. He then turned and flew off towards the north and called again. I couldn't believe my luck. That was a great sight to see. But things only got better. At about 7:00 I had a couple crows show up and started calling like crazy. While it started to get a little annoying I didn't mind one bit since I have always loved the sound of crows while hunting. This lasted for about 10 minutes then they flew off to the east. Now mind you all this time I am still hearing Toms everywhere around me. I am calling here and there and they are answering. At around 7:30 I had a beautiful doe step out right behind my decoys. She picked my up quickly and kept a sharp eye on my while one of her offspring slid off about 50 yards away. She finally spun and went to the north then followed the other deer. I am now thinking to myself, how can things get any better today? I grab my box call and let out another yelp which is immediately answered by two Toms about 75 yards away. As soon as they answered another deer appears and heads right to where I think the Toms just called from. I hit the box call again and they answered immediately and the game is on. I grab my smaller call and give a few purrs and here they come over the ridge 60 yards away. I purred a little more and they turned and come towards the decoys. I noticed they were going to be coming directly towards me and remembering that they doe had picked me out so quickly I figured I should take the shot rather quickly. I got ready and as soon as they were within comfortable range I took a shot at the lead Tom. I guess my aim was true and he dropped on the spot. My first long beard was on the ground. While not the biggest Tom in the world, I will always cherish this hunt. Everything was perfect from the time I woke up until the time I harvested my trophy.

9" Beard and 3/4" Spurs
Livingston County, MI