Saturday, April 7, 2012

Time Well Spent

Tonight has got to be one of the best nights I have had in a very long time. Being a divorced father, I don't feel like I ever get to spend enough time with my two daughters. While they are here, I try to spend as much quality time with them as I possibly can. Tonight, while my youngest daughter was up in her room playing on her computer, my oldest and I got to talking about the future, where she is going to go to college and what she plans on studying. Our conversation eventually came around to how much college is going to cost and while I will not be able to cover the costs completely, I will help as much as I can. Part of this plan is to try to leverage this blog and my fly tying, if at all possible. While I do not want to get into production fly tying, I figure I can tie up an extra dozen flies each night and try to sell them on eBay or Craigslist. While I cannot promise anything, every extra dollar will help. This brought a big smile to her face. We headed to the closet to spend a few more hours talking and to tie up a few flies.

While working on some more Bully's Bluegill Spiders, I happened to notice all the scraps of chenille I had accumulated during our work. My first thought was "Man, that is a lot of waste." Then it dawned on me, I can use all that chenille to tie up some Green Rock Worms! Why let all that go to a landfill?

There are several pattern imitating the green rock worm, but I like how this particular one moves in the water. Besides, this is a very simple pattern, using just a few readily available materials. It doesn't get any better than that!

Green Rock Worm

Green Rock Worm

Hook: Tiemco TMC2457 #18
Thread: Uni 8/0 Black
Thorax: Peacock Herl

Step One

Start Thread

Step Two

Tie in Chenille

Step Three

Tie In Peacock Herl

Step Four

Wrap Peacock Herl Forward

Step Five

Whip Finish, Trim Body to Length and Singe End of Chenille With a Lighter to Create Tapered Body

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